Casino Scrabble

Anyone who has visited a casino or signed up to no deposit online casino sites knows that there is a wide range of terms that are used when playing particular games. Poker and blackjack are just a couple of the games that are regularly played in casinos. The rules for the majority of games are fairly easy to pick up, but requires years of playing to master. However, the majority of people that play are just there to have fun and potentially win some extra cash. Whilst getting familiar, or playing these games, you may find that there are numerous terms which are used to describe certain cards that are drawn, or the type of machine that is being used. It doesn’t matter whether you’re playing roulette, poker, blackjack, or playing alone on a slot machines, there is a number of terms that are used for each specific game. In this quiz, the terms are already there for you. It is then your job to unscramble then and choose the correct answer. Give it a go.